Asian Hockey is represented by Korea, Pakistan and hosts China. Sadly Pakistan Hockey is also facing similar downslide. Having lost to Britain and top ranked Australia, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan team to enter Semifinals from B group which also has strong Netherlands.
Many Hockey followers like me wonder if Indian hockey will see the glorious days of past again. The bickerings amongst the Hockey administrators are at all time high. There was some hope of revival when Ric charlseworth came to India to offer helping hand. But how he was literally humiliated and kept away from the team in Qualifiers tournment is well known. A frustrated Charlesworth has given up and is slated to join Australian Hockey team as its coach.
So this is the second Australian Indian sport has ill-treated. The unfortunate sacking of Greg Chappell by BCCI is still fresh in the memory. It is often argued that a foreign coach is not suitable for Indian teams consisting of players from different states and different cultural background. But look at what Indian Football team coach Houghton has achieved. India's victory at recently concluded AFC Cup could well be the turning point for Indian football. While there seem to be no hope for Indian Hockey's revival, Indian Football is all set to reach newer heights.
True. Somehow we forgot about noticing where is Indian hockey in the Olympics. You are right, it's a shame.